Currently, there is no Mikvah Knoxville, TN. However, Chabad of Knoxville acquired a property that will G‑d willing house the future Mikvah. To be a part of this special project, please contact Rabbi Yossi Wilhelm at [email protected].

The closest Mikvah now is in Chattanooga, TN about 90 miles south of Knoxville. 


Name: Chabad Jewish Center for Life and Learning
Address: 950 Vine St.
City: Chattanooga
State/Province: TN
Postal Code: 37403
Country: USA
Shul/Org. Affiliation: Chabad of Chattanoga
Mikvah Contact: Rebbetzin Rosie Perlstein
Schedule: By Appointment Only
Mikvah Tel: 423.490.1106 
Mikvah Email: [email protected]



Click here for more information about Mikvah.